Our goal is to provide our business customers with the necessary resources required to operate in today’s business environment.



Business accounts include the following type of organizations:

Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Corporations
Government Agencies
Not-For-Profit Organizations



The following documents will be needed to open your business account:

  • Sole Proprietorship: The fictitious name registration (if applicable), authorization for sole proprietorship, Social Security number and signature card.
  • Partnerships: Partnership agreement, the partnership authorization, the fictitious name registration (if applicable), tax identification number and signature card.
  • Corporations: The articles of incorporation, corporate resolution, the tax identification number, and signature card.
  • Limited Liability Corporations: Articles of incorporation, operating agreement, the tax identification number and signature card.
  • Not-For-Profit Organization: Articles of incorporation, and by-laws (if applicable), the fictitious name registration (if applicable), organization resolution, and the tax identification number and signature card.